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There are many search engines in the world such as Google, the most famous is Google, then yahoo, Bing, etc. If someone wants to learn Java, he may type in "Java Tutorial" and search the search engine as he may not know the address on a website that has Java tutorial.

Write a Java Tutorial Search Google and many sites will come to Google. Those are Java related sites, but what did Google do? Showing each site down according to their rank. The site that Google first showed. Some strategies were adopted on that site. These techniques are called search engine optimization (SEO).

Types of  SEO

Generally two types of search engine optimization.


                1) On- page seo
                2) Off -page seo 

1) On- page seo: On-page SEO is the website's internal functions.
Examples include optimizing title tags, keywords, meta tags, meta descriptions, content, etc.

2) Off -page seo: That is done outside of web site.
Such as: blog writing, forum posting, backlinks, social shares, etc.

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